Uganda House Tour

Welcome to our home. If you hopped on a plane to come visit us, or you happen to be reading this from Uganda and want to go grab a boda and come on over, here is what you would find. I didn’t particularly clean up for these pics, so this is the real deal.


You’ll always find a pile of shoes by the front door.IMG_6582

The porch is a pretty nice hangoutIMG_6583

Living Room

The living room is really coming together since we got our couch and chairs last week.IMG_6596


School/Play Room

The girl’s play area and room we haveĀ been having our “school lessons” in.IMG_6587




Personal chef?IMG_6590


We all get to sleep together. You get the good, bad, and the ugly, but mostly good.IMG_6591


We have an actual toilet for those of you that were worried we would have to use a squat pot.IMG_6593


We are working at getting an address for those that are wanting to mail things. Apparently since our landlady does not pay for a box at the post office, things cannot be shipped here.